Salone 2024

Salone 2024

Saturday 22 February 2020

Brexit, Design-at-large and the Aftermath, (powered by Vogue Business).

England’s voluntary leave from the European edifice is cluttered with another long line of procedures and solitary agreements for every sector, minus a number of strong feelings including ambiguity and insecurities of all kinds. A capital force in the areas of (design) education/educational models, progression in creative entrepreneurship and long-term growing  business regarding design and innovation- the irreversibility of Brexit is also questioned. Will the country rejoin the EU infrastructure-alliance with a new membership at some point in the future and under which socio-economic circumstances in the continent or to be most precise- which public scheme/administration/ leadership in Brussels? A vague thought, (needless to say a wishful thinking) but a current reality-realization that bites: British design and education are not, hélas a (common) denominator anymore and eventually a contributor to the European creative locomotive, aside Italy, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia and France.  The Thesaurus of the British school and flair in the continental design engine will be probably missed- but not before some serious issues to be tackled, from both sides. 

Crafts Council, Design Council, British Fashion Council et al: Institutions with huge portfolios of actions and a tremendous amount of work supporting design in the UK, (not just English-born designers) and making England an amid Creativity hub for the whole EU, with expats living in or migrating to the country for design studies and eventually creating a business- are coming up with new initiatives to support innovation & sustainability even more than before. It remains to see if those will continue to be “all-inclusive” in the post-Brexit era also for Europeans from other countries already living in the UK or design professionals who are interested to join those successful schemes.  

Design education in the U.K, (Media, Fashion, Product, AI, Architecture, etc) is traditionally one of the country’s biggest exports, with students’ visas avidly offered to young talents from all over the world, in order to study into a British Design Faculty. Temporary or longterm work permits for Top employees whose companies plead “irreplaceability” because of their high curriculum and “X Factor” regarding their valor to their employer, (a measure that gathered an immense community of highly talented individuals from all over the Continent and the World in the UK), will also go through reformation, provided the Brexit freshly introduced laws. 

Purchases of design goods such as clothes, furniture, accessories, tools, softwear and gadgets will have to be redefined under a specific framework - the trickiest part of the Brexit treaty. Manufacture tolls, customs, regulatory alignments, health and safety regulations and compliance with EU and third parties logistics/IT, possible individual agreements with EU countries in and out the Euro Zone- the workload is immense for those government officials and of course for Brussels administration, having on top of every other problem, the market’s morose mood: almost a denial to the fact that the free-circulation of British goods can be affected, in a deconstructive way for both cross-channel economies. 

Interested in Brexit and Fashion + More? Check imperatively the thorough survey illustrated in the article written by GEORGE ARNETT for Vogue Business:   

We Will Be Back;-)) 
A4D-D4A 😊💂

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