Network slicing design is back in A4D-D4A, with recent and more explicit info about the technology and how this can confederate an investment of high importance in 5G and beyond. All the information bellow can be revised and found in OMDIA social media and resources.
The ways you can exploit the technology into your business model in the future is a key element for this short memorandum, aiming at the explicative yet simple report of the specific architecture, a crucial point from now on and until 2030 for smart cities, public transport, smart agriculture, haptic (tactile) internet, smart logistics, intelligent health systems and diagnostics, industrial robotics, shipping systems and cranes.
A network slicing consists of a logical network that provides specific network capabilities and network characteristics to serve a defined business purpose of a customer. It also allows multiple virtual networks to be created on top of a common shared physical infrastructure and it extends across multiple domains, including: 1. RAN (Radio Access Network) 2.Transport 3.Core infrastructures. Thus said, you can expect a complete set of transformative improvements at business in areas such as latency, security, reliability, quicker customizations (a tailored, consumer related system exceptionally useful in sectors like gaming and games design) and easy adjustments when it comes to external tools and alignments with other IT implementations. The ability of the technology to include scalable business models in its portfolio enterprisingly, makes it an economic venture that creates high potential at wholesales ever so remarkably.
The “culture of layers” the one we were used to the previous decades, changes to a whole different model where it allows E2E (Exchange 2 Exchange) interactions such as monitoring IoT devices or making Metaverse a more enjoyable and realistic experience through haptic internet: a common practice and not just an idea for the near future. Open, modular automation helps operators accelerate and simplify every stage of their 5G journey (federation for complete network and service inventory across multiple domains, E2E orchestration of dynamic services across RAN, transport & core, analytics-driven assurance to monitor services in real-time, automation of each slice lifecycle in order to cope with new digital services and monetize with customers, internal and multilevel service-level agreements).
Synchronization is quintessential though as it is mentioned in one of our previous posts regarding Network slicing and 5G integration and implementation.
“Most mobile and wholesale network operators are taking a phased approach to their 5G network and services rollout, and with good reason. Besides having to evaluate the different business strategies and revenue-generating opportunities, 5G also involves numerous new technologies and standards that continue to mature. This can lead to significant operational complexity, not only to deliver the required coverage and performance, but to optimize the coexistence with 4G (and previous wireless generations), which will be required for many years to come.”….”In such an intricate scenario of many moving parts, mobile network infrastructure must also continuously evolve to support new features, standards, architectures, and end-user services. Having worked with many of the world’s largest Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) in their 4G to 5G journey and supporting backhaul to over 75 percent of all towers in the U.S., it is evident that for mobile and wholesale network operators to be successful, their 5G network architectures must be based on the Adaptive Network™ approach and embrace the key tenets of being open, scalable, and automated….”
An extract from: White paper, 5G Success Using the Adaptive Network Approach, delivered by Cienna.
Today, end-users want to order services on demand using self-service capabilities, and they expect flawless performance. As a result, Communications Service Providers (CSPs) are under tremendous pressure to develop and deliver services much more quickly, with exceptional quality and at the lowest possible cost. Meeting these requirements is no small feat, especially when customers often ascribe more value to cloud applications, mobile devices, and media-rich content than they do to connectivity. The challenges to face though continue to occupy the tech world as shortlisted concerns to tackle quickly and efficiently as one company or public domain possible can: the ability to orchestrate service/slices across an admin system that actually works, updating and modernizing Operational Systems, adoptively visualizing services like network slices in realtime are some of the few to come. In the meantime 5G and 6G are the only networks to guarantee infrastructures of inclusion for population majority, including seniors, low incomes and limited mobility groups, therefore their immense importance for each village, city, territory and the continent as a whole.
NEXT ON A4D-D4A: More on the Future of Sales (retail and NFTs includedπ).
All the Very Best & More