Image above: Courtesy of Orange,,
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What will the impact of 5G be in real time? In-depth studies are commissioned in several countries already, exploring all the major micro and macro-economic changes ignited by 5G with a predominant one curated by mega service provider Orange and executed by OMDIA top tech experts. The two companies focused on economy (sales), employment (substitution of sectors and profession transformation, including new tech design and over-specialization in all areas) and the environmental impact (:total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by country by industry, thus on a specific part of the Eurozone for the time-being).
5G facilitation on 1.enhancing mobile wireless broadband (:at work, school, university or distant learning hub, for entertainment purposes enabling augmented and virtual reality, for mobile computing and digital signage), 2. massive Internet of Things use (:smart agriculture, smart cities, smart homes, smart energy and utility monitoring, remote monitoring), 3. Autonomous vehicles, drones and public transport, plus medical apps and industrial automation (robotics) will impose the essential reassignment of all vital sectors and their core design. That also means a significant increase of sales in areas such as: retail, media/communication, admin, health-social work, construction/real estate, hospitality-food, arts-education, forestry, fishing being only some of them. There may be job losses though from: mechanization of production/processes; driverless transportation (e.g., mining and quarrying); remote monitoring, management, and control of assets; digitalization of customer interaction.
However, these will be outweighed by job creation from: manufacture of 5G equipment and components; software development for digitalizing industries; cellular/5G security specialists; drone operators; logistics analysts/technicians; autonomous vehicle/drone engineers. Different sectors of the economy and different types of roles will be enhanced and created because of 5G implementation. 5G will enable and create cognitive/physical jobs. Skilled specialized technicians will be required to install, operate, and maintain a wide range of devices, components, and systems across a range of industries.
Previous research and public reporting by mobile service providers shows that mobile services drive a net reduction in Green House Gas emissions, by helping to reduce emissions for example, reducing travel and improving energy efficiency. 5G will accelerate this by enabling new features, applications and services, reducing the power consumption per gigabyte of mobile services; and increasing the scale and intelligence of IoT services. 5G-enabled smartphones and other devices will improve existing apps and create new ones, that will help to reduce physical travel and thus reduce emissions, with current examples including mobile banking, mobile shopping, video calling, and enterprise collaboration. Furthermore 5G enabled IoT devices, platforms, and services will improve efficiency in ways that reduce travel time and energy/fuel use, (ex. asset tracking, energy monitoring, smart homes, smart buildings, smart cities, smart manufacturing, and smart agriculture).
We need to synchronize watches though, simply because 5G networks are not active everywhere, (per town quarter/zone, per municipality, per urban centre, per county, per country): a key issue triggering immense repercussions in the everyday workflow. Cross-borders 5G facilities still vary per country-member in the EU as it happens many times inside continental parts of each territory, due to geographical and socio-economic specifications. What will be the level of adoption of 5G in each area/country? The drivers of adoption are varied and they depend on 1. The pace of standardization, level of network deployment and availability of 5G devices 2.The adoption rate of previous cellular technologies 3.The competition from other technologies, such as short-range connectivity in the smart home 4.The overall annual revenue from sales of all private and public enterprises within the specified industry. So, this includes both sales directly related to 5G goods and services (i.e., infrastructure, devices and connectivity), intermediary goods and services (e.g., semiconductor components), but also the broader ripple effects: the economic activity enabled by 5G.
In the era of powerful AI/AR when the future of jobs, the so-called gender disparity, the next generation of climate innovation, the net-zero corporate attitude on reduction of carbon and costs are current talk and they definitely consist of the next decisive step in economy and society, designing and establishing 5G is getting to a state of almost-an-emergency. That’s only the beginning of high-speed mobile networks with also 6G rising, about to change practically everything in data delivery and beyond.
NEXT: Web Summit 5 + 1 (2016-2021): A Blogumentary. Stay tuned!-)
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