Euroluce Forum 1

Euroluce Forum 1

Monday, 30 August 2021

Network slice management: Orchestrating compelling 5G use cases, (also in design education and production, powered by OMDIA).

The implementation of 5G on current multi-uses, accelerates the application of advance technologies and their combined formats. Network slicing being one of them, is promised to introduce new modules in design technology at large, therefore growth from 5G-related revenue. 5G is meant to be the key for short-term pivotal changes such as smart-city sensors, industrial sensors and connected stadiums- going through drones, autonomous vehicles, wearables and ingestibles plus sustainable energy- reaching out long-term applications in the likes of industrial automation, remote surgery and smart grids (electricity, water, state administration, higher education et al). By the year 2024 the prediction for network slicing customizable experience is defined as slicing-a-service (dynamic slices customized to the needs of individual customers and created on demand): the beginning of a true revolution for creative services and processes of all kinds, design included. Holistic solutions other than connectivity & control can be adjusted in schools, universities, creative studios and the wide range of media, by every Communication Service Provider (CSP)- also in other corporate environments for instance in commercial aviation- for business optimization, customer loyalty, regulatory compliance and omni-channel experience. 

Network slicing service support acquires agility, control, cost-effectiveness, autonomy, intelligence and certainly new combined 5G business models for the future. CSPs can no longer operate new networks as they have operated traditional networks. 5G network slices as dynamic service instances with system network orchestration (SNO), nevertheless there are still some issues to be addressed, with predominant concern the end-to-end service orchestration across multiple domains, including non-5G. The strong demand from the enterprises, the public sector and the households themselves will eventually lead communication providers to provide dynamic 5G slicing in the minimum time possible. 

For more information on network slices and the different solutions provided through ORACLE by OMDIA please check hereyou can also follow OMDIA  on Twitter: @OmdiaHQ  

NEXT: Supersalone month is about to kick-start….  

Take care-Enjoy Slices of all kinds😊 

A4D-D4A πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ™Œ

Monday, 9 August 2021


In image above: the Arborea way, (click to watch the full video).

In times like these when climate change is hammering territories, making up one of the next big excuses for international conglomerates and lobby politics to "fully act on business terms", the following lines are about to focus on possible solutions in order to tackle the consequences of the post-disaster era. Entrepreneurial and scientific forces acting 4 Good are not just a chimerical vision in a 1964 Sci-fi B-Novel but an actual reality emerging through a different, transparent and sustainable approach to production and to profit. 

Arborea continues its mission to fight food insecurity, especially after the current events leading to food shortage primarily in produce the following years, (therefore inaccessibility to specific foods due to a much higher price range) and an increasing demand for high nutritional quality products. Arborea’s team developed a breakthrough cultivation system, the BioSolar Leaf, which harnesses natural photosynthesis in a radical new way. Thanks to sunlight, our technology facilitates the growth of microscopic plants to produce healthy food ingredients, all while generating breathable oxygen and sequestrating large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), a major contributor to climate change. At Arborea, the final production consists of clean and healthy food while harmonizing with Earth’s regulatory carbon-cycles on a massive scale. Arborea’s breakthrough cultivation technology mimics the functioning mechanisms of a real leaf to self-maintain the ideal growth conditions homogeneously at different scales and with the smallest energy inputs. Furthermore, it uniquely sequesters CO2 from most exhaust gasses, even with very low CO2 concentration and at atmospheric pressure.

The final food ingredients and proteins are wholly vegan, NO-GMO, hormone-free and mostly carbon neutral.The unique functioning mechanisms of the BioSolar Leaf impedes contamination to produce the safest and purest ingredients.

Design highlight: Bionic Chandelier made by Arborea, an air purifying bionic system which purifies  the air indoor by producing oxygen and absorbing CO2 thanks to photosynthesis performed by the microplants endorsed into "leaf" modules. Now in the permanent collection of the V & A Museum in London.

Fashion rentals received a certain hype over the years, only to be considered by some critics an unstable sector within the fashion retail industry - until now: By Rotation totally re-invents the game of fashion rentals with an app offering a dozen of smart features, eventually providing a global, smooth and fluid C2C service , one that promotes circularity, green + clean fashion ethics and excessive amounts of availability in great items of clothing and accessories. 

It’s seven weeks until London Tech Week, and we’re looking forward to go back to the festival this September - gathering the world’s most inspirational founders, global leaders, senior investors and rising stars to collaborate and discuss the vital role of technology on society. Click onwards and secure your spot today.

Go ahead and nominate the women excelling in technology careers:The #InspiringFifty UK awards, hosted by accelerateHER, during London Tech Week showcases 50 incredible, trailblazing women leaders across the UK, (you can submit your nominations here).

With the inclusivity clause becoming more and more apparent and relative to the design world and beyond, adaptive design is becoming more and more of a raising issue: why studios and companies are so afraid of disability? Nevertheless, with adaptive fashion fruition trending, one things is a certainty, that ableism affects business and prevents those figures from getting a real boost; meaning that the commercial sector suffers from untargeting citizens with disability, (AI block in relevant ads on social media like Facebook) or rejecting neurodivergent consumers in unsuitable for them, physical commercial environments (for instance noisy malls are rather difficult to navigate by people with a complex developmental condition such as autistic spectrum disorder). 

In photo bellow: Tommy Adaptive Shorts by Tommy Hilfiger: without buttons but with velcro fastening instead, the line is adjusted to facilitate people with prosthetic limbs (hands), where fine, finger movement to button up is not possible.

Take Good Care & Save the Planet

