Euroluce Forum 1

Euroluce Forum 1

Thursday, 25 March 2021



The emerging 5G is one of the latest developments about to revolutionize the world, yet the Quantum Computing technology is the next tectonic shift in times the human race faces current challenges like agricultural production and climate change. The potential for all types of businesses is huge but despite the immense possibilities of QC surveys are showing that companies are still hesitating to invest and engage the specific technology. Today QC is still limited in volume and breath and very few organizations are scaling and piloting the technology within their core infrastructures, due to limited funding and support to this function. 

Taking into account technology advances, greater partner engagement and more funding, QC will continue its shift from the Research & Development (R & D) lab to the real world. By 2032, one-fifth of respondents expect their organizations will have identified or launched a use case or pilot, and 15% expect to be conducting at least one pilot. However live deployments and scaling of QC will remain limited. 

Governments across the world have announced an approx 22 billion dollars of funding over the coming years, with China in the lead of course with an investment of 10 million in the technology, (: in the EU, Germany and France alone are topping up with almost 4 billion dollars in QC education an research), a thing that sparks huge optimism in the venture capital world about the launch of new markets. In addition private investment in quantum technologies is ramping up rapidly, with companies like IonQ and blue-chip giants like IBM, Google, Daimler and J.P. Morgan among others. 

Applications are varied:  from materials to batteries, further up to machine learning, the development of new drugs and molecules, including financial applications as well. Drug discovery and materials design in particular can have a huge impact by the implementation of QC enabling a 20% saving in R & D (:reducing trial and error lab processes by accurately stimulating  strongly correlated electron systems e.g. for high temperature superconductors or multiferroics for high absorbency solar panels. This is a tremendous development impacting on new building technology and 3-D printing construction for public housing in the era of recession and extreme climate change).
Like every other tech r-evolution, QC raises some eyebrows in terms of several repercussions in the areas of ethical competition and corporate behavior in regards to the diffusion of the tool and the exploitation of the sector. Risks such as access to QC by the Big-Tech conglomerates triggering inequality issues or computation power for nations that can even end up to encryption break eventually, global arms race, future monopolies, non-accessibility of those tools by all and for all, (:there is ongoing intention for inclusivity by the QPC tight community). States and companies need to re-think and re-design their strategies and they need to reflect on their computational usage resources. Which of their operational areas can benefit from QC technologies? 

Autonomous vehicles, advertising- optimization-data mining, drug design, logistics, machine learning, algorithm innovation- hybrid algorithms- AI: by 2040 the Quantum Computing will be present at its full capacity, ready for work within the multiple state-of-the-art capabilities it can offer to humanity. How it will affect Creativity? All it is left, is wait and see. 

Visit the QC Summits and News around the globe here for explicit info

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All the best
A4D-D4A 💙💚🙌