Euroluce Forum 1

Euroluce Forum 1

Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Image above: Let It Shine necklace by Sara Chyan, (matches, acrylic board, resin), Inter-Secting Spaces exhibition during the 2nd Athens Jewelry Week 2017 at the Benaki Museum of Decorative Arts and Crafts (Peiraios annex), May 2017, Athens, Greece. Organization/ Coordination: Anticlastics (Anastasia Kandaraki, Erato Kouloubi and Niki Stylianou).

Hear the accoustic description for our central picture by clicking on the link:

The 2nd Athens Jewelry Week 2017 ignited this year something bigger than just the ambition of a Cosette-type small country to just carry the burdensome backet of the European South, next to its contemporary jewelry almighty simblings, for instance Spain and Italy. There is a tsunami of creative forms of jewelry in the city of Athens, a real host of the craft the last 40 years, pregnant with a fascinating, quiet scene of designers/makers - almost entirely unattended by the state institutions like the Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Economic Development and Growth, the Ministry of Education and other relevant state organizations and guilds. 
The Benaki Museum of Decorative Arts and Crafts in Greece provided, like in numerous cases, the stage and the in-depth knowhow of a complex field like contemporary jewelry, alongside with the organizational and promotional expertise of the skillful Anticlastics team- for the first concrete contemporary jewelry international exhibition in the Greek capital: Inter-Secting Spaces, within the AJW 2017 other parallel events and manifestations. The exhibition showcases 29 designers/artists who also contested for the 2nd AJW Award 2017, renown contemporary jewelry presences in the AJW 2017 Jury list, the video narrative Meta; Morphosis: A Dream Trip Through Jewelry by Kostas Pittas projecting the essence of the portfolios, a project of children's jewelery and jewelry "games" in order for the visitor to comprehend and perceive the art form of an ancient technology and the intense, intellectual procedure of adornment making.

In the photos bellow, from top to bottom: the craking works (neck pieces) of three legendary artists jewelers, also members of the AJW 2017 Award Jury, Lucia Massei, Sofia Björkman and Tanel Veenre. In the last photo the jewelry project of talented 10-year old Raphael Kasteroudis, one of the highlights of the exhibition.

In the core of the exhibition, 29 Greek and international contemporary jewelry designers/makers/artists inter-sected their diverse perspectives with elaborate techniques, imaginative materials and a strong political vision. Aesthetics is politics and wearable items employ a political statement AND a visual impact of high caliber. Beauty is a result of this process but not a sole indicator of the project value and of its gravity- a project that reflects a huge artistic and technical importance, far and away from common curatorial theory and practice. Enjoy in the pictures bellow, from top to bottom, some of the 29-team key presences: 
The 29 Exhibitors' List - AJW 2017 Award Winner, Turkish Snem Yildirim with her pendant Seven In a Row - JOYA 2016 Winner Liana Pattihis with the pendant Offerings (Tamata) - Angelos Konstantakatos with Hidden Perspectives brooch - Sol Flores with Plane brooch - Iryna Voitenko with Subtle Truth necklace - Martina Dempf with Palmyra brooch - Isabelle Busnel with Untitled 2 and 3 brooches - Christine Jalio with Past-Loss-Future series (pendant and brooch) - Kätrin Beljaev with Companion 2 and 3 pendants - Yiota Vogli with Keep it Safe pendant and pair of earrings - Georgia Gremouti with brooches from Molecular Corpus Colonies and Germination Phase series - Magali Thibault Gobeil with Candy Baby Doll necklace.  

May this new, long awaited amazing initiative continue for many years to come. We are looking forward to AJW 2018 already....Until then, wear it- don't fear it!!!


Sunday, 14 May 2017


Image above: The Winner, the UI GridSense by Team 5 in the 1st Accessibility Hackathon 2017, in EEF/UTech Lab.

***You can hear an accoustic description of our central image by following the link:

The first official Greek 2-day contest for app/UI/UX design for pupils and students, about supporting people with disability (limited mobility, partially sighted/blind, deaf-mute or other physical constraint to full access i.e senior citizens)- was held last weekend at the premises of Eugenides Foundation/ Technology Lab (UTech Lab), with the contribution of computing scientists, human rights organizations, activists and educators. The contestants had to explore the side effects of limited access and design a web or/and mobile app to help improving accessibility for all in the digital era. Talented youth gathered and formed teams, presenting their final idea, with a demo and a strategic plan for future development- aspects on which their evaluation was based by the Judges Committee and concluded to the choice of the three winning finalists. 

The 10 platforms showreel: A-x-ces, Access The World, RampApp, Entertainment For All, GridSense, .rhea, Accessibility App, Easy Life, Help Request, mainly focused on databasing and creating communal facilities for spaces categorization, according to their accessibility level, therefore creating new urban cartographies for all citizens. Their differentiation on design and technical adequacy, was one of the criteria for the winning team showcasing an app towards that idea, the Google-powered, yet user-sustained and managed A-x-ces by Team 1 (picture bellow),

which conquered the 3rd place in that field. 

The 2nd price was justly awarded to an app with huge potential and in-depth, personal engagement, Entertainment For All by Team 4. A screen-reader based interface for partially or non-sighted card players, the app consisted of a navigational tool for eye-impaired gamers, suitable at the same time for their non-disabled co-players (picture bellow). 

The winner of the competition, Team 5 with the sophisticated, sensorial interface GridSense created a new cognitive system for accessing info, completing tasks, learning and developing- for almost all types of kinetic disability or visual/oral/hearing impairment. A very impressive portfolio for such a short notice, this UI architecture earned instant acclaim and it surely created a foundation for further work by the team in international hackathons around the subject of accessibility. (Have a look on all 3 winners in the photo bellow).

We are looking forward to next year!Thanks EEF/UTech Lab and Accessibility Hackathon Partners, for this fantastic initiative!!!
