Key figures, people of power, old associations, large governmental organisations, refreshed policies, unexpected circumstances, new alliances. There is a new world balance, and it affects design, as much as everything else. Fundamental desicions and change of routine in Europe and overseas, define a new landscape, about to emerge, concerning creativity, education, industrial production and economy. Here
A4D- D4A lists some essential facts and personalities, combining the elements of a new design era.
1.Turmoil in Europe? There is certainly some policies undertaken, which thicken the design plot. The
German Universities Excellence Initiative, enlarged the list of "elite" universities in the country, to a total of twelve, (including the famous Munich School of Architecture, which joined the list in 2006). Allthough the official authorities denounce the term "Ivy League" for this new structure, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Research Foundation , succeded in attracting the best young minds, in what is seems to be Europe's new, best, university network, that covers all the disciplines related to the design field.
2. In the always, education-wise, competitive and design-savvy UK , Michael Gove, former Secretary of State for Education (until July 2014), expanded the curriculum of five core subjects (English, maths, two sciences, a foreign language, history or geography), to include arts and technology, Praised by the craft and design world in the UK, M.Gove's initial scheme was to prevent a generation of potential artists, designers and meakers casting adrift, in an era where the creative industries are far more promising, economically.
In Finland, the ministry of Education and Culture
(OKM) continues to show the way, by adopting now cloud technologies in education, and furthermore: the Finnish diagnosed the cause of unemployment due to the recession, being the set-up of false priorities in education. People cannot find a job anymore, most propably, because of lack of innovative tools and new technologies, needed to be infiltrated, in the educational system, early on.
3. Promotion, funding, unions and professional infrastructures of current design organisations, are coming to a point of refreshing, to say the least. In Japan and the USA, these structures date sometimes from the mid 50's , combining the creative with the commercial aspect, bulding up the local design communities and scheduling export policies. Still, in Netherlands, the flexible and agile
Premsela, supports Dutch design and fashion industries, providing a security net for european exports in general, with a healthy surplus. Spain, Italy and France follow up, aiming at the re-instated legal framework for intellectual rights protection, patents and innovative products in Europe (new enlarged, office service , is starting up soon in Alicante, Spain).
4. Recent developments in Russia, (regarding the counry's sanctions, applied by the E.U), started spreading the rumours of a "new Vkhutemas", emerging, with the blessings of president V.Putin. This time, the russian authorities, also visualize a strong co-alition with the other BRICS members, -China, Brazil, India and South Africa- concerning the areas of industrial production, creative arts, IT technologies and textile industry, respectively. At the same time, the rest of Africa, apparently leads a more independent way.
Nicolas Sawalo Cissé, pioneer Senegalese designer and architect, founder of African Designers Association, is the father-figure of a design generation, standing out from design cartels, representing the psyche of the continent, with a whole new bunch of ideas and techniques.
Study the design New World map, is helpful to know and understand the New design World or the New World map or Both!!!
Faithfully yours